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PCW Volunteer Sign-Up Form

Thanks for your interest in volunteering with Philly Community Wireless!

We're an organization working to build community-controlled wireless internet networks in Philadelphia. To sign up, please fill out the form below. To learn more about PCW, visit our website at

First and Last Name

Your preferred pronouns


What volunteer role(s) are you interested in?

Feel free to select multiple options.
What volunteer role(s) are you interested in?

Do you have any specific skills that you think would contribute to PCW?

These skills can be wide-ranging, from experience with ladders, drilling, electrical work, wireless tech configuration and troubleshooting to web design, visual design, research, marketing, and more!

Please know there are no wrong answers! This is just an opportunity for us to learn a little about you and how we can provide you with a fulfilling volunteer experience.

Do you speak any languages other than English?

If yes, please specify!
Do you speak any languages other than English?

Please let us know your general availability for the foreseeable future, checking all that apply.

Please let us know your general availability for the foreseeable future, checking all that apply.

Are you from and/or do you live or work in the Norris Square, Fairhill, or Kensington neighborhoods of North Philadelphia?

Select multiple if they apply.
Are you from and/or do you live or work in the Norris Square, Fairhill, or Kensington neighborhoods of North Philadelphia?

We've worked hard as a group to come up with a shared mission and values. We ask that anyone joining us as a volunteer read our Code of Conduct and take our mission and values to heart.
We welcome your thoughts and ideas!
Have you read and do you agree to PCW's Code of Conduct?
Please read our Code of Conduct:

In addition to PCW's Code of Conduct, our onsite work often involves us being guests in the homes and workplaces of communities in Philadelphia.

It is important that we conduct ourselves with respect and consideration in each space we visit.
Do you agree to respect and follow requests from our community hosts?
In addition to PCW's Code of Conduct, our onsite work often involves us being guests in the homes and workplaces of communities in Philadelphia.

How did you hear about PCW?

Any comments, questions, or concerns? Please let us know!

Thanks for your time!
Please look out for an email with the subject line "Thanks for your interest in PCW" to book a virtual call as the next step of our volunteer onboarding process.