Form cover
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The #OpentoWork List

Brought to you by Final Draft Resumes
Hey there! Before you get started, we just need to be clear about a couple of things. Filling out this form will land your details on our #opentowork list which we share with recruiters.
While this might increase your visibility in the job market, it doesn't automatically promise you'll land a job - it's just another tool to help you in your job hunt.
Also, we need to assure you that we respect your privacy. The information you provide here won't be used for anything else other than sharing it with recruiters. We're not in the business of sending you unsolicited marketing materials or selling your details to anyone.
Your info is safe with us, and its use is strictly limited to your job search.
Alright, with that out of the way, let's get started on your form. Good luck with your job search!

First Name

Last Name

Current City

Current State/Province

What was your most recent job title?

What is the most recent company you worked at?

What job are you looking for next?

In which industry?

Are you currently employed?


Phone number
