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New template

Send us your template so we can include it in your Nailted account.
We advise companies on a daily basis, so not only will we include it, but we will give you feedback so that you can run a better campaign.

What is the objective of this campaign?

Template name and description

This content is only informative and will only be seen by admins. It serves to differentiate this campaign from the others.

You want to ask about:

Most of the campaigns are about values and competencies. You can select all options if you need
You want to ask about:

What type of numerical scale do you want to use?

Select a scale type for the numerical questions.
ℹ️ The 1 to 5 scale is the most commonly used.
What type of numerical scale do you want to use?

What values will the scale have?

Each value of the scale is represented by a button that includes a text and an extended description.
Ex: Does not meet expectations: Never meets expectations regarding the job
Ex: Usually complies: Meets expectations most of the time.

What questions do you want to ask and which role will be asked?

Ex: [Text question] How have you evolved in the last 6 months? -> [Self review] + [Manager to direct report].
Ex: [Numeric question] Does this person give good feedback? -> [Peer review] + [Peer review] + [Manager to direct report

Configure the visibility

Configure the anonymity of the campaign and the visibility of the managers.
ℹ️ Campaign administrators will always be able to see the messages and their authors.
Configure the visibility


Tell us what results you want to deliver to the people receiving feedback.

Campaign launch date (approximate).

Anything else you would like to tell us about the process?

* Custom templates are only available for annual plans
* A template will be available in your account within approximately two weeks.