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Artist Open Edition Prints

We partner with Artists' that want to unlock physical drops redeemable on own domains for open editions with select customizations. We can also help build out a custom NFT claim page.
Note: Your NFT does not need to match your physical drops. While we are only servicing businesses currently looking for shipments in the US, we would love to hear from you as we open up to new regions.

What's your full name?

What's your business/company email?

Have you published any previous collections? If so, how does it work and can you share any links to your published collections.

Are you planning on doing a new release or is this for an existing collection? Can you provide links and your launch timeline?

(Note: At this very moment we are limited to shipping in US only)

What are you hoping to achieve from this partnership?

What are you hoping to achieve from this partnership?

What is your budget?

Given our small team we can only serve bulk prints for our premium fabric but we would love to hear from you and plan to reach out as we unlock smaller tiers.

How did you hear about us?