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Drive Tribe Allinance Application

This is a small group (20 - 30 people) of very committed people that are inspired to go deep and “do the work”. We screen and interview each potential member to ensure you are a great fit for the group, and that this Mastermind Alliance will serve your needs well.
Thank you for your interest in joining our devoted community!

Alliance Questionnaire

Please allow yourself an uninterrupted 30 - 60 min to answer these questions thoughtfully.

Describe yourself aside from your work.

Describe your work situation, from past to present.

What are three primary skills/talents/abilities you feel you have?

What are some weaknesses you have?

Please share any hobbies, interests, or pursuits outside of your work?

What would change about your life if you received an inheritance of $3,000,000 tomorrow?
What do you feel you will have left as a legacy if you died today?
What do you consistently do to improve yourself mentally, physically, relationally, and spiritually?
What key relationships do you have in your life?

In your relationships, how many people do you feel know you fully? 

People you may call close friends.

We believe we’re all messengers. What is your message, and what kind of messenger are you?
This is always evolving, and will surely evolve rapidly in this group. But we’d like to understand your thoughts at this time.
How do you believe you will add value to this alliance?
What could you share or teach that would have unique value? What is an value you feel you will be adding?

Can you commit to participating in 75% of our weekly, online meetings, and 2 out of 3 in-person 3-day events in Colorado each year?

What effect do you desire from this Mastermind Alliance for your:
- Business & Work
- Health & Wellness
- Relationships
- Spirituality
What are three books you've recently read, and why? 
Fiction or non, doesn't matter.
If you had to reread the same book three times in a row, what book would it be?
If you had to watch the same movie three times in a row, what movie would it be?
With work projects, do you enjoy sharing your tasks with others or do you prefer to do your part alone?
What conferences or seminars have you attended or spoken at in the last 18 months, if any?
On a scale from 1 - 10 (most), how much do you feel you are fulfilling your purpose and calling?
Untitled linear scale field
On a scale from 1-10, how satisfied are you with your current income?
Untitled linear scale field
Please share any personality profiles you have completed and how they showcase you. Examples: DISC, Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, Human Design, etc.
What do you feel are the 1-5 things that must happen in the next 1-3 years for you to be more fulfilled?

Personal Information

First Name
Phone / Message
We'll be sending 1-2 messages per week, but most messaging will happen within our Mighty Networks platform.
Marital or partner status?
Do you have children? If so, please describe.
Academic Degrees, Certifications, Licensures, etc.
Physical Mailing Address (include country if outside of the United States)
Street address, PO Box (where we can mail things to you)

Thank you for taking the time and consideration to fill out this form. It's thorough, just like our attention to you.

We'll review your answers and get back to you within a week.
We look forward to connecting with you!