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Product Management Intern Application Form

Thank you for your interest in this internship offer at Shai And More, please fill out this quick form to formally be considered a candidate for the Product Management Internship.
We will get back to you if your application has been selected for the next round.

Email adress

First and last name

Would you be able to relocating if you are selected for this internship ?

Would you be able to relocating if you are selected for this internship ?

What are your favorite Moroccan brands ?

What are your favorite moroccan beverage brands ?

What are your favorite foreign brands ?

Tell us a bit about your previous Product / Marketing related tasks, and how it will set you apart from other candidates for this internship ?

As a Product Management Intern what do you expect to learn ?

Briefly tell us what motivated your decision in applying for this internship ?

How would you prioritize your tasks and determine which ones to pursue during your internship ?

What is for you the best process for identifying and targeting the right audience for a particular product or service ?

How would you measure the success of a beverage product ? what metrics do you use ?

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and industry news, and what sources do you rely on for information ?

Can you share an example of a particularly successful project that you were involved in and what role did creativity play in its success ?

How do you stay creative when faced with tight deadlines or limited resources ?

Can you describe a time when you had to think outside the box to achieve a goal or overcome a challenge ?

What inspire your creativity , and how do you stay motivated and engaged in your tasks ?

Tell us more about yourself as an individual, we would like to know more about you as an individual and not as a professional...

When will you be available to start your internship ?

When will you be available to start your internship ?

How long would you like the internship duration to be ? (specify dates or number of months)

Check all softwares and tools that you are proficient in or you know

Check all softwares and tools that you are proficient in or you know

Specify any other softwares that you are used to (if not already in the list above)

Please attach your CV Here