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Is your project a good fit?

Fill out this form to allow FutureDAO to evaluate your community and to see if your they are a good fit for the Token Migrator.

Contact Details

So that we can get ahold of you.

Project Details

So that we can verify the project

Which items describe the situation?

Go to Gitbook Documents for more details.
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What is the current community situation?

For us to determine the potential for a successful takeover. I.e. how much of the token supply is controlled by your community?

Contact FutureDAO Immediately

Please reach out to a team member or admin so that we can set up a group chat.
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The Future Community earns rewards when projects use our Token Migrator. These rewards are based on the migrating tokens FDMC and are capped at 2%. These rewards are vested linearly over 30 days.
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Any other feedback that you'd like to share?