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We want to hear YOUR thoughts on OUR gym. That's the royal "OUR", btw, 'cause it's your gym too.

You must be a current member to participate in this survey and associated prize draw. Complete the survey and include your full name if you want to be included in the prize draw. Leave your name out of it if you want to share your answers anonymously.
Thank you SO much for sharing your opinions with us.

Your full name (for entry into respondent prize draw). Leave blank if you want to remain anonymous, knowing that we won't be able to track you down and shower you with gifts for completing the survey.

Are we meeting your expectations? 0 = Hard no. 10 = Heck ya!

Are we meeting your expectations? 0 = Hard no. 10 = Heck ya!

Please tell us what you LIKE about your gym right now.

Please tell us what you aren't a huge fan of at the gym right now.

As we're moving to a new gym space soon, what would you like to see offered/added when we get there?

Any final remarks?