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Welcome to Foundations of Care

We are a directory (+tools) for therapists at any point of their career who are dedicated to culturally competent care. Please answer a few questions to sign up.

A diverse community of practitioners helps support the needs of more patients. Do you identify with any of the following?

A diverse community of practitioners helps support the needs of more patients. Do you identify with any of the following?

How much working experience do you have serving marginalized patients?

How much working experience do you have serving marginalized patients?
None...yetIt's my specialty

Please rank the following features in order of importance for you, this helps us prioritize what to offer next:

Please rank the following features in order of importance for you, this helps us prioritize what to offer next:

Is there another feature you would like to see?

If you heard about this product through someone, please input their name below:

Agreement to Terms & Values

Almost there! 🏃🏽‍♀️
All practitioners who join the Foundations of Care platform must be aware of and agree to our values:
* I have a strong interest and dedication to providing optimal care to patients of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds - especially those historically marginalized.
* I have had professional development (training, webinars, etc.) around providing inclusive care.
* I agree to offer a complementary 20-minute introduction session for any new patient who may request it.
* I am a licensed or pre-licensed therapist, counselor, psychologist or certified mental health coach legally allowed to practice in a Canadian province.
* I have / will have professional liability insurance that covers my scope of services when my profile is published.
Untitled multiple choice field

Thank you for your answers! Please click the button below to sign up.