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The Garden lab.s video essay

If the word isn't your thing, upload a video essay below.

First, we need your consent!

I consent to my data being stored and reviewed for the process of this residency.

If you wish for your data to be removed at any time, please click here.
Your data will not be sold or released publicly.
Your answers are reviewed by two of the Garden team.
We value data privacy πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ.
First, we need your consent! I consent to my data being stored and reviewed for the process of this residency.

Video Essay Questions

a. Where are you at in your life right now? a.a. Is there anything you're working on / toward?
b. Why do you want to join the lab.s?
c. If we really knew you, what would we know?
d. What, if anything, does astrology mean to you?
e. If some foxes are doctors and some doctors are purple, does it logically follow that some foxes must be purple?
f. What's your ideal way of getting to know a new person? g. What's your favorite conspiracy theory?
Please upload your video below. If you are having issues with the file upload, email us at [email protected]

βœ… Your passions:

This experimental residency program is a co-created, multidisciplinary ecosystem.

We are seeking to attract those who check multiple boxes off this list to seed a diverse cultural environment.
βœ… Your passions:

First Name

Last Name

What is your email address?

Where did you hear about this?

If someone referred you, who was it?

Are you applying as a muse or artisan?

Are you applying as a muse or artisan?

Are you applying with someone else? [like a partner, friend, or family?]

They need to fill out their own application :)
Are you applying with someone else? [like a partner, friend, or family?]

What is your # [Whatsapp preferred]

Is there any web or social media presence you'd like to share?

When would you like to arrive?

When would you like to arrive?

When is your ideal departure?

Select an arrival date first β€” you must come before you go.