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Titan Apprentice Volunteer Interest Form

We cordially invite you to join the Titan Network's preparatory volunteer team to help drive Titan's mission and shape the future of DePIN. Here, you can apply your skills and passions while learning and exploring new ones. No matter your expertise, you can contribute to the Titan Network in various ways and together build the future of the internet.
We welcome individuals with diverse abilities to participate and encourage you to identify areas for improvement within the project. You can then establish or join relevant departments to solve problems and drive project growth. To accelerate the development and expansion of the Titan Network, we primarily recommend that newcomers join the community building team first. By working in the community for a while, you can discover your potential and capabilities, thereby integrating into various aspects of the project.
The Email or wallet address you connected on the Herschel Airdrop website
Discord ID
Telegram Handle


Department Structure

To help you better utilize your strengths, we have set up multiple departments. You can choose to join based on your interests and expertise:

- Technology
- Operations
- Marketing
- Community
- Other forms of collaboration for mutual benefit

Please join our official Telegram community:

Ways to Contribute

Depending on your strengths, you can join the following volunteer roles:

Community Building: Expand social media influence, help new users, organize and participate in community events, and guide newcomers to contribute.

Tutorials and Manuals: Write technical documents, user guides, or tutorials, and optimize and update official content.

Please join the volunteer review group:
Bug Finding: Assist in identifying potential risks and issues in the codebase to ensure the network's security and efficient operation.

Application Development: Integrate applications and services into our network or develop on our platform.

Please join the volunteer review group:
Global Steward: Help translate documents, facilitate cross-cultural communication, and expand Titan's global influence.

Please join the volunteer review group:
Other Ways to Contribute: If you have other ways you'd like to contribute, please describe your ideas.

Please join the volunteer review group:
We will determine your position and salary based on your contributions, rewarding you with tokens for your efforts. The Titan Network has enormous growth potential, and volunteers can also transform from strength to strength as Titan grows. We look forward to you joining and enhance Titan's diversity in order to build the future together!

We look forward to your participation! Just as the Titan project plans to utilize idle global resources, we aim to utilize your spare time. Welcome to join us in embracing challenges and creating the future together!
How would you like to contribute? Feel free to check off more than one option that you're interested in.
Untitled checkboxes field
Bug Finding
If you selected "E. I have other ways I want to contribute," please describe what ideas you have in mind