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GizeDAO Interests Form

GizeDAO is an all-in-one platform for starting, managing, and growing your decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Our platform provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help you launch and manage your own DAO, including features such as creating and selling NFTs, managing treasury, setting governance, and more. Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations to take control of their communities and assets through decentralized technology. For more information, please visit
*By completing this form, it does not guarantee you an allocation for the GizeDAO token.

Let's start with your personal details.

Name of your organization (optional)

Are you an individual investor, VC or a project?

Are you an individual investor, VC or a project?

How much are you interested in investing? (In USD)

How much are you interested in investing? (In USD)

Contact email

Telegram Username

What, in your opinion, aroused your interest in our organization the most?