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Transcendence Mastermind Retreat Application
This is an application to join Light Club in 2023 on our Croatia Sailing Retreat. The dates are July 28th - August 4th, 2023.
What is your name?
What is your email address?
What is your Instagram Handle?
What is your phone number?
What is the vision for the life and business you want to build?
What makes you unique? What is your super power?
What are the top 5 challenges you would like help with? (Personal or Business)
Based on your above answer, what is stopping you from achieving this on your own?
Why are you interested in the Croatia Mastermind Retreat?
What topics are you most interested in?
Untitled multiple choice field
Developing as a person
Connecting with an entrepreneur community
Personal Branding & Content Creation
Travel & Life Changing Experiences
Content produced for my personal brand and business
Fun & Connection
Have you ever traveled with a group before with the intention of learning and growing? Why now?
What kind of people do you want to surround yourself with?
What would make this experience a "heck yes" for you to join?
Which ticket option are you interested in?
Untitled multiple choice field
Spiritual Ticket
Quantum Ticket
Transcendence Ticket
Did someone refer you to this trip? What is is their name?
Thank you for your application! You will hear from us soon and we look forward to having you join us in Croatia in 2023.