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Clean Air 604 | Request Form

Please fill this out at least a week in advance of your event / when you need things by
Feel free to fill out this form with information about your event so that we can share/promote it (if it's mask-required), even if you don't need anything from us.

Primary Contact

Event Details

Please let us know if your event is masks-required (as opposed to masks encouraged/recommended), since we'd be happy to promote it on our web page and Instagram page. We try to only promote masks-required events because it's the most effective mitigation against covid spread, but we can still provide masks/purifiers if you won't be requiring masks at your event.

How many masks will you need?

How many air purifiers will you need?

note: you can use this recommendation tool to figure out how many you air purifiers you need in the space. we mostly use DIY CR boxes so make sure you check 'use DIY devices' first. if you're still unsure, we generally recommend using 2-3 CR boxes for most spaces.

Would you like anything else?

Would you like anything else?

When are you planning on picking everything up by?

Extra Notes

You can give us more links to your social media accounts, web pages, media to include in our promotion, or any other information about the event or venue. And let us know if there's anything else you need or any way we can improve our services.