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2024 CK Business Excellence Campaign

Thank you for expressing interest in the 2024 CK Business Excellence Campaign. CK Business Agency is excited to offer 10 businesses, whether startup or established, the opportunity to receive 1 single complimentary services across some core service categories. Please complete the following form to be considered for this exclusive opportunity.
Submission deadline: February 29, 2024


Email address

Company/ Organization name


Website URL

Social media handles

Tell me about your business or organization!

Service category of interest

Service category of interest

Current goals, challenges, and objectives

Upload any additional documents (optional)

By submitting this form, you confirm that you are authorized to represent the company listed above and want to inquire about working with CK Business Agency for the 2024 CK Business Excellence Campaign.
Thank you for your submission. We will carefully review all applications, and if your business is selected, we will reach out to discuss the details of the collaboration. We appreciate your interest in CK Business Agency's commitment to supporting businesses in 2024.
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