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FCP#12 Ticket Price Calculation

Our Standard ticket price for this program is 3,200 SGD. This covers a 4-day, 3-night stay at the resort including breakfast, a Welcome dinner, and a 3-day workshop with our coaches.
We have some special discounts that work like this: - 20% Off if you register during the Early Bird period
- 10% Off if you are a current member of SEA Founders
- 5% Off if you refer someone through our Ambassador program or get referred You can combine these discounts as shown in the chart below:

Let's Calculate Your Ticket Price!

Below is a handy tool that helps you figure out how much your FCP ticket will cost. Just choose the options that match your situation. Once you're done, you'll see the ticket price at the bottom of the page, along with a link to take you back to the registration page.

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