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DAA registration form

What's that?
Low-key support group, high-key community. Digital Addicts Anonymous was* created as an opposition to "digital detox" / "just put your phone away" practices — because those solutions don't last, as a fast diet that ends up in a binge afterwards. Instead, this approach aims to foster healthy relationships and establish clear boundaries with the technology that dominates our daily lives, drawing from AA methods.
Join the meeting to share your thoughts, support each other in taking control of our digital habits, and just meet people irl out of your bubble. Put your phone on silent, come and share your experiences over a beer.
*as a part of MA project by Sofiia (Sonya) Kaminska, Digital Ideation graduate

INFO Tuesday, the 9th of July 09.07.2024 add to calendar Place 314 Atelier, 3rd Floor HSLU Design Film Kunst Location on Google Maps Time
free beer/soft drinks/snacks
radically inclusive vibes
no judgement
cringe free zone

How to find the 314 Atelier

17:00 Doors Open 17:30 Introduction to AA/DAA

17:40 New members and visitors

17:45 Discussing Behavioral Lines

18:00 Reading & Reflection

18:15 Sharing Space and Steps

18:25 Closing Remarks 18:30+ drinks, snacks and open-end

Let's start with you

We respect your privacy. All information provided will be used solely for the organization of the DAA meeting and will not be shared with any third parties.

Pre-Meeting Reflection

We have prepared a new set of reflective practices to deepen our understanding and commitment to managing our digital habits. Which of the following practices are you willing to complete before attending the meeting?

Untitled checkboxes field
Explore Cal Newport's "On Digital Minimalism," where he advocates for intentionally reducing digital clutter to focus on technologies that truly enhance our lives. This article provides a framework to critically evaluate our digital habits, aiming to foster a more mindful approach to our digital consumption. We'll discuss it. * here is also the NYT article regarding wearables mentioned at the previous meeting.

Ponder the following questions and jot down your responses:
What prompts you to use your digital devices?
• How do you react when you can't access your devices?
Do you ever feel regret or guilt over your digital device usage?
What non-digital activities would you like to engage in more?
Consider different environments: Where is it easier or harder to disconnect from devices?

1) Choose a digital-free activity and note why this activity interests you.
2) Record any challenges you face, such as the urge to use your phone or reactions from those around you.
3) Reflect on your feelings and experiences before, during, and after the activity.
* If you feel resistant to starting, please reflect on why and share your insights.

• Begin to identify your potential bottom (unhealthy), middle (warning), and top (healthy) line behaviours regarding digital use.
Prepare to discuss these lines and their impact on your life at the workshop. Here is the worksheet to help you.

I understand the importance of being present and on time for the Digital Addicts Anonymous (DAA) meeting. I commit to

- Arriving on time for the scheduled start of the meeting by 17:30. - Being present for the entire meeting to ensure full participation and benefit from all activities. - Otherwise, notify the organizer of the meeting via [email protected] or insta.