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ThriveFit Coaching Application

Please answer all questions in as much detail as possible and then hit that pretty blue "Submit" button. I'll get back to you within 1-2 working days.

** These questions are for my purposes only and will never be shared.**

What is your full name?

What is your email address?

What is your phone number?

Please fill in your birth date

What is your instagram name?

What is your gender?

What is your gender?

What is your height and weight?

Have you ever worked with a coach or a personal trainer/nutritionist before?

Have you ever worked with a coach or a personal trainer/nutritionist before?

What is your main goal you want to reach while working together?

What do you feel you need in order to make this goal become a reality?

What has been holding you back from achieving these goals you mentioned above?

How is this affecting you right now?

Are you willing to invest in yourself financially to turn your goals into your reality?

Are you willing to invest in yourself financially to turn your goals into your reality?

Are you able to invest in yourself without anyone else being involved (significant other or parents)?

Are you able to invest in yourself without anyone else being involved (significant other or parents)?

How serious are you about seeing the change you desire?

How serious are you about seeing the change you desire?