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Self-writing as a Tool for Thought

The Hupomnemata Course
Make no mistake: the most important tool for thought ever invented is writing. But not the writing that is used for sharing, publishing, selling, teaching, or persuading, but the writing that is just for yourself... self-writing.
Writing for communication can be intimidating, but writing for your self—forget grammar, spelling, coherence, style—is a high caliber weapon to produce ideas, keep record, brainstorm, self-inquiry, simulate discussions, visualize scenarios, see possibilities, test & trial, define problems, and bootstrap your thoughts and life.
Who am I?
I'm Adolfo Ramírez Corona (@adolforismos, and, among other things, I've been giving courses about writing and tools for thought.
Most of what I've written as a student, artist, journalist, entrepreneur, market & audience researcher, published author, psychotherapist, teacher, trainer, software developer, TV & media executive, project & product manager, content producer, UX designer... most of what I've written haven't been shared of published—it has been written for better thinking and living.
I’m thinking of creating a course on Hupomenamata: Self-Writing as a Tool for Thought, a course that'll gather all my experience, learnings, practices, and frameworks, about this fascinating topic.
A 6-week-long cohort-based course for better thinking, idea generation, problem-solving, and self-improvement.
I’ll start with a beta cohort so I can perfect the material. The beta will be $700, which is a significant discount over the final price.
Please fill out this if you’d be interested in joining and receive more information when available (without obligation, it's just a survey).
*(No other use of your email, promise!)