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For all additional information, visit the website or send an inquiry to [email protected]

Applicant infomation

Provide the full name of the applicant submitting the communication project. If there are several applicants, it is necessary to list them all
Applicant infomation

Personal information

1.1. Project information

Provide the full title of the communication project

1.2. Project Category

Select a category! Jury reserves the right to transfer the project to another category of which you will be notified.

1.3. Duration of the project

The submitted project must be implemented within the time specified. In the case of multi-annual projects, the applicant independently chooses for which phase and which year to submit the project, considering that the project, regardless of the number of phases, can be submitted only once.
The project was realized:

1.4. Project leader

Indicate the name and family name, function, and organization of the person who leads or coordinates all activities of the relevant project.

1.5. Project associates

List all those working on the project, legal or natural persons who collaborated either as communication, strategic, or creative support.

2. Project description

A maximum of 6500 characters (with space) may be used to describe the project. The project description includes all sections from 2.1. to 2.5.

2.1. Strategy challenge and approach

Within this criterion, it is necessary to describe a strategic approach to a certain problem, as well as the approach to solving the problem and implementing the project. It includes preparatory actions for the realization of the project, planning and project management, analysis of the situation, problems and environment, implementation of initial research and selection of research methods (if research has been carried out), determination of target groups and key stakeholders, setting specific and measurable goals, design of communication messages and the selection of tactics and tools, along with a time plan. All parts of the planning should be listed.

2.2. Impact and evaluation of communication performance

Within this criterion, it is necessary to list specific and measurable goals according to the SMART principles and show the connection between all goals, especially the connection between business goals and planned results. A project can have one or more goals, elaborate them into general and specific goals or according to stakeholders. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the selected approach to measuring and evaluating results in relation to the set goals and desired outcomes, as well as the achieved efficiency, that is, the success in solving the recognized challenge or in achieving the goal. State whether the set goals and planned results were achieved and describe the outcome. The description of the effects and the evaluation must correspond to the stated objectives. If you have conducted research, briefly describe it, and list the results. Applicants are expected to present the evaluation of the results in accordance with the measurement recommendations in public relations according to the Barcelona Principles.

2.3. Creativity and innovation

Within this criterion, it is necessary to indicate how you implemented the project, which instruments, tools, tactics and communication channels you used and why you chose them. State whether and how you involved the interested public, whether the interested public had the opportunity to influence the strategy and goals of the project and at what level. Indicate how you used theory and practice in shaping creative and innovative approaches to solving the problem, what makes the project special compared to the competition and how it differs. Show the link between the objectives and the actual implementation. Pay particular attention to the development of new, creative ideas or solutions within the project, regardless of whether they are completely new approaches or improvements to existing ones. In doing so, show us how you applied ideas and solutions in a specific context to set the project apart from the competition, create additional value, increase efficiency or contribute to productivity compared to existing practice.

2.4. Social value and social relevance

Within this criterion, you can describe the value that the project brought/brings to society and the community in which it was implemented, i.e., positive changes to the community that the project affected, regardless of whether it was implemented at the internal, local, or national level. Except of that, you can clarify whether it is a one-time project or a project that has the potential of long-term sustainability with the aim of further impact, development, and contribution to the community.

2.5. Budget spend

Indicate the total amount of the spent budget, which includes agency fee, working hours, advertising, the donations amount, and all other costs created by the implementation of the project, with a clear specification of the share of advertising and the realization of paid reach in the implementation of the project, total communication budget, and how much is related to organic communication. The information is confidential and will not be made public.

3. Statements and supplementary material

3.1. Supplementary material

The presentation is sent in a format selected by the applicant, the video content must not be longer than 2 minutes, and the ppt may contain a maximum of 15 slides.

3.2. Statements

3.2. Statements

3.3. Consent on the use of information for educational purposes

3.3. Consent on the use of information for educational purposes

3.4. Consent

Confirming that we are aware of the submission of the communication project to the! competition of the Croatian Public Relations Association. We agree will all application terms.

Note: Consents are required only for agencies that submit the project on behalf of the client or for clients who independently submit the project without an agency, even though they have worked on the project together.

3.4. Consent