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Wisp Investor Relations

I'm Raymond, the founder of wisp, and I'm excited you've landed on here. While I'm not actively fundraising at the moment, I'd love to connect and keep you in the loop about my journey.

Wisp is currently self-funded, and I'm laser-focused on building the most delightful CMS ever. My goal? To make blog integration a breeze for developers and content creation a joy for writers.
Though we're not seeking investment right now, we're always open to building relationships with potential investors who share our vision.
If you're interested in following wisp's progress, I'm building in public! You can check out our journey here. It's a great way to see how we're growing and evolving.
Should we decide to raise funds in the future to accelerate wisp's growth, I'd be thrilled to reach out to you first. If you'd like to stay connected, drop your contact info below. I promise to keep you updated on any major developments or fundraising plans.
Thanks for your interest in wisp. Let's stay in touch!

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LinkedIn profile

How can I contact you (email)

What best describes you

What best describes you

Are there other ways you would like to help wisp in?

Are there other ways you would like to help wisp in?

Want to receive update on wisp's growth?

Want to receive update on wisp's growth?

Something you want to tell me or just scream into the void?