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Book Coaching Application Form

You're here - now let's secure your spot

I'm honoured that you'd like me to coach you as you write your brand-building nonfiction book.
Please fill out this form carefully and provide as much detail as possible. Your answers will help me see if we're a great fit before getting on a call with you. Thanks!

What's your first and last name?

What's your best email so I can send your approval email?

Share a link to your instagram.

Share a link to your website or LinkedIn.

Describe your profession or business.

If your application is selected, what is the #1 thing you want to see happen as a result of working together?

Why is this important to you?

Do you have an idea for your book?

Why are you an expert on this topic?

Are you a published author?

Have you worked with a book coach before? What were the results?

Share your concerns about coming on board and the ways you'd like me to help.

How did you learn about Ifeoma Nwekwo and what made you decide to work with me specifically, not someone else?

What's your best telephone number if I want to reach you by phone?

When is your next birthday?

I understand that if I am a good fit, ifeoma will send me an acceptance email which will require me to make an investment within 72 hours to secure my spot.

Anything else you'd like to know?