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Neurokind Open Call 2024

Neurokind is a publication and exhibition space for neurodivergent artists & writers.
This is an open call for works in any medium including, but not limited to:
- visual art
- writing
- performance art
- interdisciplinary art
- new media, etc.
Creators must identify as neurodivergent. 

Neurodivergence includes, but is not limited folks who are autistic, ADHD, OCD, syntesthetes, dyspraxic, dyslexic, dyscalculic, etc. It also includes those with sensory processing differences such as hyper sensitivity or hypo sensitivity. 

Contributors of all ages are welcome: children, youths, and adults.
No diagnosis is required. Self identification is respected here.

2024 Theme
Works will be curated based on an open interpretation of the concept of weaving:
"to make (a complex story or pattern) from a number of interconnected elements."
You are invited to consider how weaving and interconnectivity is part of your neurodivergent experience.
Works should follow the Neurokind Content Guidelines (please read them carefully.)

Submission Process
Works submitted will be considered for Neurokind publications and exhibitions during 2024.
There is no fee to apply.
Non members may submit 1-2 works.
Paying members may submit up to 5 works.
All contributors will be considered for a 2025 Neurokind Residency.

There is a rolling deadline for neurodivergent accessibility.
There will be two issues of Neurokind in 2024.
The first deadline is April 30.
Works submitted by this time will be considered for all 2024 projects (including two issues of Neurokind, a virtual exhibition, and possible print publication.
The second deadline is June 30.
Works submitted at this time will be considered for the second issue and virtual exhibition.

No Rejections
You will only be contacted if your work is chosen for publication or exhibition.
Works will be considered for the full year - through December of 2024. You are welcome to publish or exhibit works elsewhere during this time - including your own Substack or blog.
At this time there is no compensation for virtual publication or exhibition.
A print publication will likely offer a choice between a small stipend or a copy of the print edition. Contributors will be contacted with a formal agreement if their work is chosen for print.

Neurokind 2024 Open Call

Please review the Content Guidelines before submitting work.
If your work includes sensitive material including, but not limited to: violence, nudity, body shaming, or suicidal themes it is not within the scope of this open call.
(Website, Blog, or Substack. If you don't have one type NA.)
(If you do not have one type NA.)
File Upload
Do your best to follow these guidelines to help save time on behalf of the volunteers curating and publishing Neurokind.
Please rename your files with your name and title (example: Name-Title.)
Combine multiple written works within the same document (.doc or .pdf)
For visual artworks upload the best quality images you can (limited to 10 MB.)
To upload multiple images of a single work please use a zip file.
Use the text boxes below to share a text description.
This will be used to create alt text. Alt text is used by screenreaders to describe images to those with vision imparments.
Please describe each image in 1-2 sentences.
Limit of 2 artworks for non members.
To submit multiple works you will need to attach a ZIP file or submit the form multiple times.
This limitation is due to using a free version of Tally.

I give consent for Neurokind to publish and exhibit my work for it's 2024 virtual publications and / or exhibitions.