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Film Flavor’s 2025 Oscars Poll

The 97th Academy Awards ceremony will take place March 2nd, 2025. Here, Film Flavor readers (and friends of the Film Flavor family) will cast their votes, share their Oscars predictions, and even share their favorite food-in-film moments of the year.
Part 1 of this form focuses on food + film. Part 2 asks you to predict the Oscar winners. All results will be tallied and discussed in the next Film Flavor newsletter!

Part 1: 🍿 Food, Drink, + Oscar's Best Pictures 🍿

None of the questions are "required" so feel free to skip some as you like!

In your humble opinion, which Oscar-nominated film featured the best food and/or drink?

In your humble opinion, which Oscar-nominated film featured the best food and/or drink?

Which non-Oscar-nominated film from the past year featured the best food and/or drink?

Which non-Oscar-nominated film from the past year featured the best food and/or drink?

Which character (played by a Best Lead Actor or Actress Nominee) would you most like to have dinner with?

Which character (played by a Best Lead Actor or Actress Nominee) would you most like to have dinner with?

If you could attend a themed dinner party based on one of the nominated films, which would you choose?

If you could attend a themed dinner party based on one of the nominated films, which would you choose?

If you could choose one of the following 2025-Oscar-Nominated-Movie-Themed signature cocktail (or mocktail) to drink the night of the Oscars, which would you choose?

If you could choose one of the following 2025-Oscar-Nominated-Movie-Themed signature cocktail (or mocktail) to drink the night of the Oscars, which would you choose?