What is healthy funding in a changing world?
How can we bring capital back into alignment with what it’s funding? To support societal transition, deploying capital in regenerative ways is necessary. Financial currency, as the lifeblood of the current system, holds potential to address our collective challenges.
This involves new asset classes, organizational structures, ecosystem-focused activities, and fund structures. It's about renegotiating incentives and relationships between LPs, GPs, and entrepreneurs, and exploring how we can align the inner and outer. How can we repurpose the current system?
What are we looking for?
We seek a new conversation—grounded in current reality and oriented towards a regenerative future where funding, technology, biosphere, and people align. Nordic Dialogues is a Nordic initiative hosted by Innrwrks and Leapfrog. In partnership with IFT and EIFF and their course on Investing with planetary systems. We retreat to examine the current system and identify paths towards adjacent possibilities..