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Request a free messaging teardown

Do you run a B2B SaaS company? (Or work at one?)
Every week, I post quick teardowns of B2B SaaS homepages with teachable moments in their messaging. Here's one about Gusto, and here's another about Pipedrive.
If you think your homepage isn't helping ideal buyers see how great your product is, submit it for a review.
If there's a teachable moment in it, I'll post a teardown with the good and the bad highlighted — so you can improve your messaging and get more people to use your product.
You don't pay anything.
(Fun fact: Pipedrive has been split-testing homepage messaging ever since I did a teardown on them, and appears to have found a better version.)
You game?

What's the homepage URL?

What's your profile URL? (So I could tag you in the post.)