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Repair Complaints

What type of product or device?

Product details

What is the product used for, and what problems are you having with the product?

This is optional but can help us craft a more personal complaint to the regulatory agencies.

Snap a picture of the model tag

This is optional but can be helpful. A picture of the product in its broken, gory state is good too.

What did the product cost?

What was requested from the OEM?

What was requested from the OEM?

How did the OEM respond?

How did the OEM respond?

What is the current status of the product in question?

What is the current status of the product in question?

What do you want the manufacturer to do?

Documentation of interactions with OEM

Emails, screenshots or other notes, anything that can be helpful for the AG

Do any of the following apply: You are represented by a lawyer, you have sued the company, the company has sued you and/or there is a legal proceeding pending

Do any of the following apply: You are represented by a lawyer, you have sued the company, the company has sued you and/or there is a legal proceeding pending

Have you previously contacted the Attorney General or a government agency about this issue?

Have you previously contacted the Attorney General or a government agency about this issue?