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React Paris Talk

🇫🇷 Bienvenue au Meetup React Paris ! Voici quelques informations importantes pour vous, nos (précieux) intervenants : - les présentations débutent à 19h et vous disposerez d'un créneau dédié pour votre intervention ;
- pensez à préparer une brève introduction sur votre parcours pour les participants ;
- premier talk ? Pas de souci ! Contactez-nous sur Discord ou autre et on vous aide ! 🇬🇧 Welcome to the React Paris meetup! As one of our esteemed speakers, here’s what you need to know:
- talks start at 7 PM, and you'll have a designated time slot for your presentation ;
- prepare a brief intro about your background for the attendees ;
- first time speaking with us? No worries! Ping us on Discord, and we'll help you prepare for your first talk.


Preferred contact medium

Preferred contact medium


Only Meetup co-hosts have access to your email or phonenumber (not the hosting company or anyone else), we only use them to contact you in a more efficient way.


Role in the company

Your talk ⬇️

Talk Title


