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Thank you, John Beard, Jr., for your organizing work with the Port Arthur Community Action Network to fight back against the petrochemical industry’s expansion on the Gulf Coast. Your work helps to protect the health of Port Arthur’s most vulnerable community members from fossil fuel pollution.
Thank you, Love Sanchez, for your work as an Indigenous leader to stop the fossil fuel export expansion along the Texas Coastal Bend. Your leadership in organizing campaigns to fight desalination plants and the Enbridge oil export terminal expansion have empowered many to stand up for environmental justice.
Thank you, Travis London, for your activism to stop fossil fuel projects that threaten the health and environment of vulnerable communities. You have fought to prevent Formosa Plastics from building a massive petrochemical plant in St. James, LA, and your work organizing frontline community members in Louisiana and Texas is inspiring activists across the country.
Thank you Veronica Coptis for your organizing work in communities impacted by coal mining and fossil fuel pollution in Pennsylvania. As the leader of the Center for Coalfield Justice, you have worked to stop pollution and promote democracy and economic justice in communities devastated by mining and industry.