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Kext: Indie Spotlight Submission

Kext is all about showcasing indie developers and their work. If you’re building something cool for Apple platforms, we’d love to highlight your app in an upcoming issue!

Fill out this form to share your project's story, tech stack, and what makes it special. Selected apps will be featured in Kext’s Indie Spotlight, reaching developers, designers, and Apple enthusiasts.

Let's Start With You

Full Name


This is used to communicate with you about featuring your app.

Your Website

Link to your portfolio.

Your Social Media

Link to your preferred social media account.

How long have you been a developer?

Describe Yourself

Tell us about who you are and what you do.

About Your Project

Project Name

The official project name.

App Store Link

Direct link to the App Store or TestFlight invite if in beta. Must be published in the United States.

Short Pitch

How would you describe your project in a tweet or elevator pitch?

Full Description

A more detailed explanation of what your project does, why it's unique, and the problems it solves.

Tech Details

Tech Stack

What technologies are you using to create and manage your project? e.g. Swift, UIKit, VisionKit, LLMs, Flutter.

What Tools Do You Use?

e.g. Xcode, VS Code, Rotato, Helm.

Team Size

How many people work on your project?

Development Time

How long have you been developing your project?

Challenges Face

Briefly describe the hurdles you hit and how they were overcome.


Media Kit

Link to your media kit or promotional material that can be used when featuring your project


Upload a screenshot to be used when featuring your project. Image must be a high resolution JPG or PNG in a landscape orientation. Text should be minimal.


Are you open to a short interview?

This is for future deep dives, features, or podcast episodes.

Do we have your permission to feature your app?

Any additional details?

Extra details or shoutouts.