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Congregation Emanu-El News & Event Submission Form

This form is for requesting publication in the weekly newsletter. If you would like to request a change to <>, please use the Web Presence Change Request form.
The CEE Newsletter is published weekly on Friday mornings. The deadline for inclusion is noon the previous Tuesday.

Submitter Information

Submitter's name and e-mail address (not for publication)

This will be used to get in touch with you if there is an issue with your submission.

Are you currently a member in good standing of Congregation Emanu-El (CEE)?

Are you currently a member in good standing of Congregation Emanu-El (CEE)?

This submission was pre-approved by:

This submission was pre-approved by:

Submission Information

Is this a live event?

Is this a live event?

For all news and event items

Request publication date

Submissions run in up to two consecutive issues, with some exceptions. If no date is selected, we will schedule you for the soonest available issue (or the two issues preceding the start date of a live event).

Website or Zoom link, if applicable

Contact info for the news item, for publication

Please be cautious about publishing private e-mail addresses or phone numbers. Do not publish someone else's information without permission.

Title of news item

Please give your article a short, explanatory title. Subject to editing.

Upload the full event description/news article as a document file

Article guidelines:

• Start with the most important information- text over 75 words may be cut off, or edited down in the case of external submissions.

• Keep paragraphs short and to the point.

• If writing "Congregation Emanu-El," please spell it with a hyphen and 2 capital E’s.

• Please use spell check, and ideally have someone else review your text before submitting.

(All text is subject to revision by the newsletter editors.)

Document upload issue

Add images or supplemental material

Images make an event or news item *MUCH* more appealing. Typically we select one image (a "header" or "thumbnail") to precede the article. Additional images may be published on WordPress, if applicable. We will not add images to your submission, so please consider adding photos you have taken, or using royalty- and attribution-free images. How to find free images and media
Image upload issue
No image

Privacy declaration

Privacy declaration

Copyright declaration

Copyright declaration

By submitting this form, you agree to online publishing of the information you submit (except those fields marked "not for publication").

Note: Articles published in the CEE newsletter will be delivered to subscribers, and may also be visible on the CEE News Blog <> and the CEE website news feed <>, at our discretion.
This form is new! The editor welcomes feedback on your experience at <>