Form cover
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Retail Manager

We're opening a new dedicated store (next to our current location) and we're looking for a new team member to step in and run our brick and mortar store. This is a special opportunity to get involved with San Francisco’s hometown cycling brand. If you’re personable, passionate about bikes, detail-oriented, have experience in retail and interested in building the community, this job is your destiny, Ornot. 

Tell us a bit more about yourself

What's your favorite retail experience (design / events / vibes? / products etc)? Can be more than 1.

Cover letter

Upload your resume

Upload a photo or photos (or video?) from your favorite ride or adventure from the last 12 months

Tell us about that favorite ride

What makes you perfect for this job

How did you hear about this job?

How did you hear about this job?

Other - where was it?

Show us something fun, Ornot. Upload a video of yourself, something you're proud of, something special, creative portfolio etc.

Free space - use the field below, Ornot.

How many years of experience do you have in retail?