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Work with Top University Students

We have an excellent set of university students who want to assist start-up founders with tasks they are are currently working on. Please fill out this form and we will do our best to match you with a talented set of students ASAP.
This form is for projects that can typically be completed within 2-8 weeks. If you're looking for a more general role and don't have specific tasks in mind, please email us at [email protected]
Please note: A successful match is subject to a $199 fee. Only applicable when both the student and you agree to work together. In case of any issues we return your money back. No questions asked.

Let's start with your details

Your start-up/company

Briefly describe the tasks you’d like the students to do.

Note: Most students have limited work experiences. They are not going to replace a full-stack dev to build your MVP in 2 weeks. Neither are they trained monkeys to do manual data-inputs without any intellectual challenge. Please keep that in mind 🙏

What specific skills or expertise are you seeking from student participants?

What specific skills or expertise are you seeking from student participants?

How many student participants are you looking to onboard?

How many student participants are you looking to onboard?

What's your time frame for the project?

How many hours of work do you expect from the students per week?

How many hours of work do you expect from the students per week?

How many hours of mentorship can you provide per week?

How many hours of mentorship can you provide per week?

What areas could you provide mentorship in?

What is your budget?

Note: Projects that are paid get more visibility and higher response rate from top students. All $$$ goes to the students directly