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Registration Projects Semester 1 24-25

First name
Last name
Are you currently studying in Leuven?
Do you have a residence room in Leuven?
Study program
Level of education
How did you find this activity? Through ...
Are you an international student?
Are you proficient in Dutch?
Are you in your final year?
Will you incorporate this project for ECTS in your ISP?
Did you have any previous experiences with AFC?
Why do you want to do a project with AFC? Please elaborate below.
Which project would be your first choice?
Which project would be your second choice?
Which project would be your third choice?
Phone number
Do you have any allergies or food remarks?
Upload your motivation letter.
Approximately 1 page, where you describe your motivation for AFC in general and followed by a motivation for each of the specific projects you are applying for.
Upload your CV
Would you grant AFC permission to utilize footage of you captured during the workshop and reception, as well as authorize us to share your resume and contact details with the companies participating in the workshop tracks?
Untitled checkboxes field
Would you be available to attend the kickoff event on October 7th at the AFC house to meet your team?
Untitled checkboxes field
Do you accept the Privacy policy?
Untitled checkboxes field