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Creators' AI Short Form Feedback

Hey 👋
Thanks for supporting Creators' AI 💌 We appreciate your attention and support. This form will help us to shape the future of our newsletter and make it more valuable for you and other readers!
This short form will take no more than 2 mins to complete but will help us a lot!

What is your favorite content in Creators' AI (choose up to 3)?

What is your favorite content in Creators' AI (choose up to 3)?

What is the most valuable thing for you from Creators’ AI?

Do you have something you don’t like in Creators' AI?*

Do you have something you don’t like in Creators' AI?*

What content do you want to see in Creators’ AI?

Would you be interested in joining and participating in our Community?

Would you be interested in joining and participating in our Community?

What do you use mostly to read Creators' AI?

What do you use mostly to read Creators' AI?