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Money Memos Submission

Thank you for your interest in sharing your anonymous firm financial insights! This 20-question survey typically takes about 10 minutes to complete. A few notes:
- Optional: All questions below are OPTIONAL. - Information: Do NOT share personal identifiable information. Before completing, review our privacy policy and terms of use. - Selection: Architects love context and detailed financial insights (because it’s not shared often enough). We choose which submissions to publish based on these factors. - Editing: Don’t worry about spelling, grammar, or formatting. We edit all submissions for clarity and length prior to publishing. - Questions: Contact Tyler at [email protected] with any questions.
One of Growthitect’s missions is to make the topic of money in architecture less taboo, so that more architects can understand how to use it to benefit their lives, business, and employees. Money Memos is one fun and thoughtful way to make architects pause, think, and maybe even laugh :)

(1) Title: What’s your title (ex, Owner, Principal, Partner) and how long have you been in that role?

(2) Firm Age: How old is your firm?

(3) Size: How many total employees at your firm?

(4) Projects: What type of projects does your firm do? (ex, High-end residential, mutli-family, healthcare, etc.)

(5) Ownership: What’s the ownership structure at the firm? How many owners and what are their roles?

(6) Location: Where are you located? Approximation is fine too (ex, large city in Pacific Northwest)

(7) Office Situation: Do you own or rent your office space? What’s your monthly rent or mortgage payment? Include any additional background, insights, or tips for those in your situation.

(8) Salary: How much do you get paid/pay yourself? If applicable, describe bonus and other compensation as it relates to your work income.

(9) Salary change: How has your compensation changed over your tenure? Any tips?

(10) Work/life balance: How’s your work/life balance? 

(11) Debt: Does the firm have any debt? If so, can you list and give us a sense of interest rates/payment plans and your general approach to debt. 

(12) Credit Card: Which business credit card(s) does the firm use and why did you choose it?

(13) Revenue: How much revenue has the firm generated over the past 12 months?

(14) Revenue Journey: How has the annual revenue changed over the last few years? Any tips?

(15) Profit: What’s the profit margin of your firm’s annual revenue? 

(16) Best/Worst Expenses: What’s your favorite expense and why? What’s your worst recurring expense and why? How much is it?

(17) Total Savings/Investments: Are you placing any firm revenue into savings or investments? How much and what’s your general approach? Share tips or anything else insightful.

(18) Financial Goal: What’s the firm’s #1 financial goal and how do you plan to achieve it?

(19) Mistake: What’s the biggest financial mistake the firm has ever made? How did you adjust?

(20) Books: What books do you recommend to other architects and firm owners looking to improve their money skills?

What else: What else would you like to share that we didn’t ask?