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What is .875 as a fraction?

This can be regarded as a very simple question! Conversions of this type are quite common in the examinations of children belonging to primary school. For older children, these conversions might seem quite easy to carry out. But in the case of children studying in the primary level school, it might appear a bit difficult. They might thus make simple mistakes while solving problems like “what is .875 as a fraction”. Thus, the teachers and the elders who are involved in teaching the students should always ensure that they are breaking the entire process into simple steps and then they should explain each step to the children in detail. This will ensure that the children develop a clear concept regarding the conversion. Hence, it will considerably reduce the chances of error while solving the problem. Here, we will be further discussing the steps involved in the conversion one by one. So, without further delay, let’s get into our discussion of the topic!

1. Removal of the decimal point

This can be regarded as the first step in case of all conversions where we have to convert a decimal number into its corresponding fraction. In order to do so, we have to add zeros after 1 in the denominator. The number of zeros that we have to add is equal to the number of decimal places present in the given decimal number. Now, as we can see, here we need to convert .875 into a fraction in its simplest form. The decimal number, .875 has three decimal places. So, in order to remove the decimal point from this number, we have to add three zeros after 1 in the denominator. Thus, after doing this, we will get the fraction 875/1000. Now, this fraction is not present in its simplest form. So, we cannot consider this as the answer to the question, “what is .875 as a fraction”. Hence, we need to carry out some more steps to obtain a fraction that is present in its simplest form. 

So, it is evident that the first step is indeed very simple and easy. We just need to follow one simple rule. In order to remove a decimal point from a decimal number, we have to add zeros after 1 in the denominator. To do this, we need to count the number of decimal places present in the given decimal number. The number of zeros that we have to add will be equivalent to the number of decimal places that we have counted. This rule is applicable for all types of similar conversions. Thus, if this concept is clear with the students, then they will be able to easily answer the question!

2. Answer to the question, “what is .875 as a fraction

This can be regarded as the last step of this conversion. As we have stated above, the fraction 875/1000 is not present in its simplest form. Thus, it cannot be regarded as the answer to the given question. Now, in order to convert this fraction into a fraction in its simplest form, we have to divide the numerator and the denominator by the same number. Here, we have to divide by the number, 5. This will give us the fraction 175/200. This fraction is also not present in its simplest form. So, we have to again divide the numerator and the denominator by 5. This will give us the fraction 35/40. As we can see, this fraction is also not present in its simplest form. So, we have to perform one more round of division by 5. This will give us the fraction 7/8. Now, this fraction is present in its simplest form and hence, it can be regarded as the answer to the given question.

Thus, from our discussion of the topic, “what is .875 as a fraction”, it is quite evident that if we convert .875 into a fraction, we will get 7/8. Hence, conversions of these types can be carried out very easily if we have a clear concept of how to perform it.