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Application for PLUS – The Regenerative Incubator

Thank you for your interest in our incubator programme!
We are excited to support young entrepreneurs like you on regenerative solutions. Please provide detailed responses to help the jury understand your vision and impact.
We are looking forward to reading about your idea(s)!
If selected, you will be notified in the first week of October. Please note, we will have a mandatory in-person kick-off meeting on October, 15.

1. Contact Information

Full Name

Startup Name if available

Email Address

Phone Number

Website or Social Media Links if available

2. Business

Where is your startup based?

Describe your startup idea and vision briefly.

280 characters max.

Which problem(s) are you addressing? Who are your target customers, and how does your solution solve their needs?

1200 characters max.

Describe your product or service and its unique selling points.

1200 characters max.

How do you plan to generate revenue?

Who are your most relevant partners?

Who is on your team, and why are they the best fit for the startup?

What is your personal motivation to found this startup?

1200 characters max.

In what stage is your startup in?

In what stage is your startup in?
We are in the early stages, generating and refining innovative ideas, and now it's time to explore their potential and develop a clear concept.
We have an idea with potential and now it’s the time to prototype it.
We already prototyped our solution and now it’s time to fine-tune our business model and gain some traction.
We already have lots of customers and now it’s time to grow our team and find extra-resources to scale our impact.

3. Environmental Impact

In what area(s) do you want to create a positive environmental impact?

In what area(s) do you want to create a positive environmental impact?
If selected "other", please specify

What environmental metric or indicator defines your success as a startup?

Examples: Material use and recovery / energy use and sources / biodiversity / waste diverted / CO₂ emission reduction etc.

4. Social Impact

In what ways do you want your startup to create positive social impact?

Examples: Fair wages / fair working conditions / underserved populations / diversity, equity and inclusion / community development / education and awareness

Which possible partners could help you achieve social impact?

5. Programme

What is your motivation to join the Incubator Programme?

Please provide a link to a video, up to 90 seconds long, where you describe your motivation as if you were speaking directly to the jury.

Include a link with additional illustrations, written documentation, a business or financial plan.

You can provide a link to Google Drive, WeTransfer or similar.

In which areas would you like to receive input during the programme?

Examples: Business Strategy / Marketing concept / Logistics / Circular Product Design / CO₂ emission reduction etc.

Where did you hear about the programme?

If selected "other", please specify

Thank you for applying!