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Podcast Guest Application

Thank you for expressing interest in being a guest on the 100 Women in Insurance Podcast. Before arranging a coffee meeting to discuss the potential collaboration further, we would love to learn more about you to ensure that our podcast's theme and direction align with your expertise and insights.
The following questionnaire has been designed to help us understand what brings you to the podcast, your story and themes. Your responses will enable us to tailor our conversation to highlight your unique perspectives and stories, making the potential episode engaging and impactful.
Please take a few moments to fill out the questionnaire, and we'll be in touch shortly to discuss the next steps.
Please note 100 Women in Insurance Podcast guests need to meet guest criteria:
- female guest speaker
- currently working in a role which either is insurance or services insurance business
- agrees with sharing their career journey, including ups and downs along the way
- has a lesson to share that listeners can benefit from
- has an up-to-date LinkedIn profile
- is open to be contacted for mentoring opportunities (no commitment to doing mentoring required)
If you meet the above requirements please complete the below form.

First Name and Surname

Job Title

Email Address (can be private)

Company Name

LinkedIn URL


How did you hear about us?

How did you hear about us?

How would you describe your role?

How would you describe your role?

How Long have you been in Insurance?

How Long have you been in Insurance?

What attracted you to apply to be a guest on the podcast?

Do you engage in any additional networks, events, or societies within insurance? If so, tell us more about your engagement and the reasons behind it.

For example, are you part of any networks, speak at schools about insurance, manage a TikTok account on the topic, or lead any company clubs related to insurance?

What have been critical/pivotal turning points in your career?

What advice do you often get asked to share, or what top tips you find yourself sharing with others?

We are keen on providing content that is helpful to the audience. What life story and/or career tip would you like to share with the audience that you think they would find helpful?

Example: Networking tips, returning to work after a career break, pivoting in your career choices, Mindset changes (confidence, imposter syndrome), public speaking tips, use of social media, personal brand, strategies to climb the career ladder and join a Board.

What title would you give your episode?

Would you be willing to share the podcast episode on your social media or professional networks once it's released?

Would you be willing to share the podcast episode on your social media or professional networks once it's released?

Are there specific dates or times that work best for you for recording?

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