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Snaps Directory - Onboarding

Please use this form to register your interest in listing your MetaMask snap in Snaps Directory. If you have any questions, you can reach us at [email protected].

Contact email

We will reach out to coordinate your listing.

Snap details

Please provide us with details about your project

Snap id

Snap audit URL

Please share with us a link to your snaps audit. This URL should be publicly accessible.

Snap version

The version of your snap as denoted by snap.manifest.json. Should match the snap version at the time of audit

Your UI/product URL

Does your snap integrate with a user interface? If so, please share the URL where we should point your users. If not, you may share the URL of the next best thing: Your landing page, your docs - Anything that would inform the user how to get started using your snap.

Source code repository URL