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Testnet Feedback Form - Final Pre-Launch Quest

📝 Selfient Beta Launch Feedback Form 🚀

Thank you for your interest in participating in the beta launch of Selfient, the revolutionary no-code smart contract creation tool designed to empower individuals and businesses in managing their financial transactions effortlessly.

Your feedback is invaluable in helping us refine and enhance the product. Please take a few moments to fill out the following form:

General Questions:

Email Address:

Discord Username (If you do not have one please answer as N/A):

Wallet Address (If you do not have one please answer as N/A):

Twitter Handle (If you do not have one please answer as N/A):

Wallet Address:

In which country do you reside?

How many years of experience do you have in Web3?

How many years of experience do you have in technology, outside of Web3?

How do you plan to use Selfient's platform for your personal or professional needs? If your intended use is not listed among the options below, kindly provide specific examples or use cases in the box below:

How do you plan to use Selfient's platform for your personal or professional needs? If your intended use is not listed among the options below, kindly provide specific examples or use cases in the box below:

Did you participate in the Pre-Launch Platform Quest on Zealy?

Did you participate in the Pre-Launch Platform Quest on Zealy?

If you've participated in Pre-Launch Platform Quest, what is your Zealy username? (if you did not participate, please answer as N/A)

What is the approximate value size of a typical contract that you complete?

Testing Questions:

Did you test as a Seller of Goods or Services/ Freelancer or Buyer of Goods and Services/ Hirer?

Did you test as a Seller of Goods or Services/ Freelancer or Buyer of Goods and Services/ Hirer?

Were you able to successfully create and deploy a Smart Employment Agreement (SEA) contract using Selfient? (Yes/No)

Were you able to successfully create and deploy a Smart Employment Agreement (SEA) contract using Selfient? (Yes/No)
If you answered "No" to the previous question, please provide details on the challenges you faced.

Please select all the contracts you have tested?

Please select all the contracts you have tested?

How many minutes did it take you to create a New Agreement and deploy the contract(s)?


One-Time Agreement:

Milestone Agreement:

Have you encountered any bugs, errors, or technical issues while using Selfient?

Have you encountered any bugs, errors, or technical issues while using Selfient?

If you encountered any bugs or issues and wish to attach a screen shot. please attach them below:

Do you have any suggestions to improve the Linear agreement contract?

Do you have any suggestions to improve the Milestone agreement contract?

Do you have any suggestions to improve the One-time agreement contract?

Were you or the other party able to claim payments?

Were you or the other party able to claim payments?

How satisfied are you with the immediate and direct payment capabilities of Selfient?

(1 - Very dissatisfied, 5 - Very satisfied)
How satisfied are you with the immediate and direct payment capabilities of Selfient?

How user-friendly do you find the Selfient platform?

(1 - Not user-friendly at all, 5 - Extremely user-friendly)
How user-friendly do you find the Selfient platform?

What was the hardest part about using Selfient?

What additional features or improvements would you suggest for Selfient to make it more effective and efficient?

Would you recommend Selfient to other people in your network? Why or why not?