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72-Hour Image Rush: Earn Points, Fast!

📸 What to submmit:
- High-quality, original, and privately owned images.
- Public or open-source images won’t be accepted.
- Examples: Nature, landscapes, products.
📥 How to Participate: Capture photos using your smartphone or camera and ensure they meet the criteria shown below.
- Resolution: 2K or higher
- File Size: 1MB+
- Aspect Ratio: 1:4 to 4:1
- No AI-generated or heavily edited images.
🎁 Rewards: 5 Points for every validated image.
⏰ Time:10AM UTC Nov. 28th - 10AM UTC Dec. 1st

💰Data Submission

Select the type of image you are uploading:

* Images must not contain private data, such as screenshots of bank accounts or similar sensitive information.

Submit image here:

* Note, use your smartphone or camera to take photos that meet these criteria:
- Resolution: 2K or higher
- File Size: 1MB+
- Aspect Ratio: 1:4 to 4:1
- No AI-generated or heavily edited images.

To receive rewards, please enter your Codatta Platform log-in email or bound wallet address: