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Generation H: Bootcamp

This bootcamp is not just an acceleration program for startups, but a part of a global initiative to unite business opportunities and healthcare needs. Our big goal is to create the platform for the long-term development of innovative projects and provide the necessary support for driving the health tech industry in Ukraine and abroad.

We will select 15 startups that will receive 360° support for 2 weeks to develop their product from getting advising / mentorship and networking to long-term partnerships and grants. At the end of the bootcamp, the participants will attend DemoDay. At this final event the best startups will present their projects and get the opportunity to find investors and partners.
You can find the full information about the bootcamp on the website:


Name and Surname

Phone number

Link to your LinkedIn profile

Name of your startup

Link to your startup website or/and pages on social media

What is your role in the startup?

Describe the idea of your startup (up to 500 characters)

What specific problem or challenge in the market are you addressing with your business idea? (up to 500 characters)

Name some of your main competitors on the market

What makes your product or service unique and compelling for potential customers? (up to 500 characters)

How many people does your team consist of?

Provide the following information about your core team: names and surnames, positions, links to their profesional social media pages

Why are you passionate about your startup idea, and what drives your commitment to its success? (up to 500 characters)

What stage is your startup at?

Share the link to your pitch deck

If you want to share anything else or provide additional materials, feel free to do it here

How have you learned about the Generation H: Bootcamp?

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