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Monastery Scholarship

Join us at Builder Monastery, a three week ZuVillage where you will get to do focused work, learn from other builders and collaborate.

The current chapter is focused on frontier tech and Real World Applications.

We have three weeks with a focus on: Prediction Markets and Futarchy, Legal and Financial infrastructure and Privacy (through zk)

Please complete the following details

We will use this information to communicate with you.

Tell us a bit more about yourself?

What are you building?

Why you want to attend to the Builder Monastery?

Link to your Talent Passport

will you be able to attend the full period (Sept 16th until Oct 7th)?

Do you need a full scholarship or a partial scholarship?

Full Scholarship: Flight + Acommoddation + Event ticket
Partial Scholarship: Acommoddation + Event ticket
Note: We will prioritize partial scholarships.