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Pet Cremation UK

We're looking to hire two drivers in the next two weeks. Please take 15 minutes to fill out the form below to apply for a role.

Tell us a bit more about yourself

Based on the job description, what would make you great for this role?

There are many skills that contribute to success in this role. I'm going to list several skills, and I'd like you to rank them from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important to you and 5 being the least important. The skills are:

There are many skills that contribute to success in this role. I'm going to list several skills, and I'd like you to rank them from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important to you and 5 being the least important. The skills are:

Can you explain why you ranked them in that order?"

Upload your resume

Please tick all that apply

Please tick all that apply