Your name (first and last)
Multiple dogs? For now, unfortunately, you will have to fill out this form once for each dog. This is because we only evaluate one dog at a time. Good thing is the second (or third) time should go a lot smoother since you've gotten some practice. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Is your dog on regular Heartworm medication and Flea & Tick preventatives? (yes/no)
Are there any medications your dog takes on a regular basis? If so, what are they? What are they for? And what dosages do they require?
Are there any area(s) on your dog that have been injured in the recent past or that they do not like to have touched?
Has your dog ever jumped a tall fence or other barrier? If so, how high?
To your knowledge, does your dog struggle with any behavioral issues that you believe may make them a danger to other dogs or humans? Does your dog have a bite history? This will not impact your dog's chances of making use of our services. Simply answer YES or NO and elaborate if necessary. We will find out regardless but prefer knowing beforehand (as in, before-hand gets bit lol). Anyhow, it is rare that we turn a dog away, we like a good challenge!
Before submitting this survey, you are required to upload a copy your dog's vaccination records below. This is so that we can keep all of our dogs safe! The required vaccinations include up-to-date Rabies and DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus) shots.
Congratulations! Upon submitting this form, you will be redirected to a page to schedule your dog's daycare evaluation. If you are a friend or family member of Caden trying to book for boarding, please ignore the next page and text your preferred days for boarding to Caden's personal cell phone number.
Either schedule your evaluation right away or save the link of the next page for later. That page is the only place to schedule an evaluation. If you for some reason lose the link, email us at [email protected] so we can get things sorted out for ya.
Lastly, after your evaluation,
future scheduling for Daycare can be found on our website on the