Application: The Copula Program 2025
Preferred Name (if different from first name)
Explain if you selected "Other" above.
Please keep your responses to these questions brief (150-200 words).
You cannot use generative AI tools to complete this section. All responses will be screened for text generated by LLM tools (ChatGPT, Claude, etc.), and applications containing LLM-generated text will be disqualified.
What are 1-3 academic topics you're interested in? Why are you interested in them?
You can be general (e.g. biology, philosophy, English) or more specific. We are looking for academic subjects, not careers (e.g. don't say you're interested in "pre-med" or "pre-law").
What do you hope to gain from The Copula Program?
Tell us about 1-3 activities you participate in.
These can be extracurriculars/school clubs, hobbies, family obligations (e.g. taking care of a younger sibling), or a personal project. Tell us how you spend your time outside of class.
Pick one of the following prompts to respond to.
(1) If you have to teach a class about any topic, what would you pick? Tell us about the class and how you'd prepare for it.
(2) Choose an article from that you find most interesting. Make a case for why everyone should read it. Add a link to the article.
(3) In one of his most famous songs, singer Pete Seeger asks: “Where have all the flowers gone?” Pick this or another question from a song lyric and give it your best answer.
Which prompt are you responding to?
Type your response here:
What is your high school GPA?
Explain how your GPA is calculated
For example, tell us the maximum GPA possible and if your GPA is weighted or unweighted.
Upload a writing assignment you submitted for a class in school
Describe the assignment you uploaded
You many select multiple categories.
Add context, if necessary.
Do you identify as any of the following?
You may select multiple categories.
Do you identify as any of the following?
Add more context, if necessary
Are there other identities or experiences relevant to your application that you'd like to share? If so, please feel free to briefly explain below.
By signing below and submitting this form, I agree to the following:
(1) I did not use LLM tools such as ChatGPT, Claude or others to generate, edit, or otherwise create my application.
(2) The information above, to the best of my knowledge, is accurate.
(3) If selected for the 2025 Copula Program, I will be able to commit at least 20 hours weekly and will not be participating in other summer programs (with the exception of paid summer jobs).