Form cover
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Application form for the 2025 Colossalcon prime ( Sandusky, Ohio) Itasha car display

1.) What is your full name?

2.) Name of your +1 ( we need this so your co-pilot can get a ticket into the event also!! )

3.) What is your Email address ( to contact you in the event you are selected to show at the Convention )
4.) What is the make and model and year of your car or Bike?
5.) Is your car Itasha wrapped or does it have a theme based off a Anime or Manga or T.V. Show?
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6.) Which anime/manga or movie series does your car represent?
7.) Do you have social media for your car or bike? if so drop the link down below! (Ie Instagram or Tiktok)
8.) Have you participated in any other car shows or conventions before? ( its okay if you have not)
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9.) If yes, please list the names of the car shows or Cons you have participated in.
10.) Please upload a few photos of your car or bike!
11.) How many days to do you plan on attending? ( just to give us a idea on how many cars will be there on what days)
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12.) Do you agree to the rules: Treat other cars and congoers with respect.. No burnouts or excessive revving, Clean up after yourself, Respect Kalahari grounds and employees and con staff...
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Thank you for taking your time to apply!!
We will let you know by email if your car has been selected! thank you for applying and we are excited to see you at the con!! we have a lot of applications to go through so please give us some time to get back to you, Thank you for your patience.