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Open Call for Expression of Interest: Advisory Committee of the Global Alliance to End Statelessness

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Global Alliance Advisory Committee!

The Global Alliance to End Statelessness is a multi-stakeholder platform consisting of Member States, regional intergovernmental organizations, civil society and stateless-led organizations, UN Agencies and other international organizations, committed to accelerating solutions that bring an end to statelessness. Our goal is to ensure that everyone can enjoy the right to a nationality without any form of discrimination.

Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and make your mark?

The Global Alliance is looking to bring together a diverse group of individuals, who are eager to contribute their knowledge and skills to the collective efforts to resolve statelessness. We are thus launching this open Call for Expressions of Interest for the Global Alliance Advisory Committee.

The call is open for all members of the Global Alliance who meet the criteria in the Terms of Reference (ToRs).

Please find below the selection criteria. The deadline for applications is 21 July 2024 by 23:59 CEST.

Selection Criteria

All applicants for the Advisory Committee membership must demonstrate:

1. Relevant experience and expertise on statelessness;

2. Commitment to the values and objectives of the Global Alliance;

3. Commitment and capacity to dedicate the time necessary to perform the role;

4. Good interpersonal skills and the ability to work collegially as part of a Committee-type structure;

In addition, applicants must fulfill the following criteria specific to their stakeholder group.


⮚ Must be a member of the UN;

⮚ Must be a member of the Global Alliance to End Statelessness;

⮚ Priority will be afforded to states who are existing members of the Solution Seeker Programme, and at least one seat on the Advisory Committee will be reserved for a Solution Seeker State;

⮚ Striving for geographical diversity, to the extent possible the State should ideally be from a different global region than the other States on the Advisory Committee.

Stateless-led Organizations:

⮚ Must be a member of the Global Alliance;

⮚ The organization or community group must be led by a person or persons who are stateless or have lived experience of statelessness. The person representing the organization or group on the Advisory Committee must be stateless or formerly stateless. In this context, statelessness refers both to formal recognition of statelessness by a State or factual statelessness based on a UNHCR or partner analysis of relevant nationality laws and the individual’s situation;

⮚ The organization must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the interests and concerns of diverse stateless populations; and

⮚ Striving for geographical diversity, to the extent possible the stateless-led organization must be from a different region than the other two on the Advisory Committee.

Civil Society Organizations and Academia:

⮚ Must be a member of the Global Alliance;

⮚ Must work actively on statelessness issues at the national, regional, and/or international levels; and

⮚ Striving for geographical diversity, the Civil Society Organization/academia should ideally be from a different region than the other Civil Society Organizations on the Advisory Committee.

UN Agencies:

⮚ Must be a member of the Global Alliance;

⮚ Must work actively on statelessness issues or demonstrate interest in and commitment to resolving statelessness;

⮚ Must be represented at the Headquarters level;

⮚ UNHCR will be a standing member of the Advisory Committee for the entire existence of the Global Alliance, in addition to its Secretariat role.

Regional intergovernmental and international organizations:

⮚  Must be a member of the Global Alliance;

⮚ Must work actively on statelessness issues or demonstrate an interest in and commitment to resolving statelessness; and

⮚ Striving for geographical diversity, the regional organization should ideally be from a different global region than the other intergovernmental organization(s) on the Advisory Committee.

If you meet the above criteria please click the button below and proceed to the application form.