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Community Quilt for Palestine


Email Address:

Phone Number:

Location (city, country):

Why do you want to participate in a piece of cloth? What excites you about this project?

Do you have specific skills that you want to gain from this experience?

Do you have specific skills that you can contribute to the group?

Additional Questions

With this project, numbers are important! Have you read through the detailed project overview, above, and, if selected, can you commit to seeing this process through?

With this project, numbers are important! Have you read through the detailed project overview, above, and, if selected, can you commit to seeing this process through?

How many quilt blocks would you like to commit to?

Can you attend the following sessions?

Please note, only the orientation is mandatory! The rest just gives us a sense of how to shape the project.
Can you attend the following sessions?

Have you created a quilt block before, or do you feel comfortable using online resources (YouTube tutorials, etc.) to build this skill?

Have you created a quilt block before, or do you feel comfortable using online resources (YouTube tutorials, etc.) to build this skill?

Do you have access, or can you get access to the following materials?

• Access to a computer or phone to connect with group and view resources
• Pre-washed woven (not stretchy!) fabric that aligns with colour palette
• Thread
• Sewing needles and pins
Do you have access, or can you get access to the following materials?

Do you have access, or can you get access to any of the following materials:

• Rulers (preferably a square/quilters ruler to ensure a 90º angle)*
Rotary cutter
Fabric scissors*
Cutting mat
Sewing machine
Fabric markers or chalk
Fusible web (only required for appliqué)
Gluestick, printer paper and a printer (only required for paper piecing)
Do you have access, or can you get access to any of the following materials:

In the event another participant is not able to complete their quilt block, would you be interested and/or available to create an additional one with a tighter turnaround?

In the event another participant is not able to complete their quilt block, would you be interested and/or available to create an additional one with a tighter turnaround?

Do we have permission to contact you by email about this project?

Do we have permission to contact you by email about this project?